I’ve heard so many people talk about their pet being a soul pet. Such an endearing label for our beautiful fur babies. They speak about the connection they felt with their soul pet, how deep the connection ran, and how they just knew this pet was different than the others. I loved reading their stories as I could feel their emotions coming through each word. Made me smile knowing these people had such a wonderful bond. These animals bring so much into the lives of those they touch.
My story is a bit different.
We had two soul pets, living in the same pack. We had a pack, or tribe as I like to call them, of 3 dogs to start with. Two Shepherd’s named Hope and Storm and a wee beagle named Sierra.
At first glance I could tell Storm was different – she had the most beautiful unique coloring’s I had ever seen in a 7wk old puppy. Her litter mates were all the standard shepherd tan n black beauties, Storm was the only silver one. She was stunning! Little did I know that it would be her soul that would capture every heart she came across, but especially with the other animals. Storm grew into this beautiful large beauty. She weighed almost 120lbs her entire adult life. Her fur was long and thick. She hardly ever barked, always wanted to be outside no matter the weather, loved laying in the snow and watching the world. Storm attracted animals; the dogs, cat and our bunny all adored her. She became the calming force in troubled times. Every dog who entered our family could be found, at one time or another, sitting on Storm. They would wait for her to lay down, then plop up on her and remain seated watching the world along side her. Storm had the most calming effect on every animal she encountered. It was beautiful to watch her bring about such a significant change to their lives. She just knew what they needed. Her soul dog label came from her amazing ability to calm the four legged
Storm passed away in 2022 at the age of 13.

I can’t help but find solace in knowing these 3 passed away, one right after the other, and are all together again on the other side of The Rainbow Bridge.
Love from our tribe to yours